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What I’m not skeptical about is whether you should buy the Radeon RX 480. The answer’s an absolute, unequivocal yes. This is an unprecedented amount of performance in the $200 price range, and unprecedented power efficiency for AMD’s recent GPUs. Even if Nvidia slashe...
How Much Is a Reduction of Your Customers' Wait Worth? An Empirical Study of the Fast-Food Drive-Thru Industry Based on Structural Estimation Methods In many service industries, companies compete with each other on the basis of the waiting time their customers experience, along with other strateg...
它放电时起原电池的作用,将化学能转变为电能;而充电时电解池的作用,将电能转变为化学能贮存起来。某蓄电池充电和放电时发生的反应为:Fe + NiO 2 + 2H 2 O Fe(OH) 2 + Ni(OH) 2 关于此蓄电池有下列说法: ① 放电时,NiO 为正极; ② ②充电时,阳极反应式为:Fe(OH) +2e...
The attentional spotlight is not an accurate metaphor from a neuroscientific perspective, however: rather than making our object of interest more salient, our attentional system actively suppresses (via inhibitory neurons) how salient everything else is. That is, rather that illuminating whatever draws...
The Enlightened Leader (An Introduction to the Chakras of Leadership) || What is Leadership? 来自 onAcademic 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者:P Ten Hoopen,F Trompenaars DOI: 10.1002/9780470741450.ch2 年份: 2012 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 onAcademic ...