A lookout, lookout rafter or roof outlooker is a wooden joist that extends in cantilever out from the exterior wall (or wall plate) of a building, supporting the roof sheathing and providing a nailing surface for the fascia boards.What
outlook is a desktop email client that is part of the microsoft office suite of applications. outlook.com is a web-based email service that can be accessed through a web browser. while both provide similar email functionality, outlook.com has fewer features and is geared towards personal use,...
Hotmail is a free web-based email service. It can be accessed through Outlook or any device with an internet connection. With Hotmail, users are able to send and receive emails, store attachments, organize messages using categories and conversation threads, and take advantage of two-factor authen...
A lookout, lookout rafter or roof outlooker is a wooden joist that extends in cantilever out from the exterior wall of a building, supporting the roof sheathing and providing a nailing surface for the fascia boards. When not exposed it serves to fasten the finish materials of the eaves. Wha...
'bootstrap' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js'. 'Cannot implicitly convert 'System.TimeSpan' to 'System.DateTime' 'DayOfWeek' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.. 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file 'OleDbConne...
Inside the pop-up, you can run your own custom HTML/JavaScript code, show an -based widget such as a YouTube or Microsoft Stream video, or display an Adaptive card. Task module Overview, task module in tabs, task module in bots 10/05/2018 Formatting information for cards is updated and...
First, a blockchain database must be cryptographically secure. That means you need two cryptographic keys to access or add data on the database: a public key, which is basically the address in the database, and the private key, which is an individualized key that must be authenticated by ...
In recent years, the application of digital technologies for learning purposes is increasingly discussed as smartphones have become an integral part of students’ everyday life. These technologies are particularly promising in the so-called “transition-in” phase of the student lifecycle when first-...
11/05/2018Thetask modulefeature is released. A task module allows you to create modal pop-up experiences in your Teams application, from both bots and tabs. Inside the pop-up, you can run your own custom HTML/JavaScript code, show an-based widget such as a YouTube or Microsoft Stream...
Outlook is Microsoft's email service, and while it isn't as invasive as some of the other services mentioned in this guide, it is still not an email service that can be considered secure. This shouldn't come as a surprise because Microsoft is known for engaging in high levels of surveill...