Dan Carlin,Blueprint for Armageddon[podcast]. Recommended by @alexeyguzey. As most of you know, Dan Carlin is an international treasure. His perspective is broad, balanced, and humane; he's far and away my preferred narrator of history. This is his six-part series on the Great War, and...
Interestingly, while history is generally written in favor of those with power, the Bible is an exception to this rule. Rather than being penned by the rulers of the time, the Bible was written by Jewish people, an oppressed minority for hundreds of years. This is why the motif of liberat...
One of the first people who theoretically explained this problem was Karl Popper in his book “The Open Society and Its Enemies” around the time of WWII, where he showed that modern democracy was not about *who* rules but it is about *how* a state rules. In other words, the mechanism...
Again, it was falsely taken for granted that there is a simple correlation between brain size and intelligence. Today it may look as a laughable assumption, since it is so obvious that computer capacity does not correlate with computer size, but this is an anachronistic laughter. Human brains ...
Last Brisbane cab off the rank for this organization in 2024 is an ensemble put together by Spanish-born violinistLina Tur Bonet. In fact, there are only three other persons associated on this tour with the metal-transforming ensemble: baroque celloMarco Testori, archluteGiangiacomo Pinardi, and...
these mysterious historical tendencies can be objectively and infallibly determined is, of course, ludicrous, but nonetheless, these ideas were regarded with the utmost seriousness. The Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, who was closely involved for several years with Schoenberg’s Society for Private ...
Is building a wall “just a matter of security”? The “sensitivity” with which to react toward each issue, or the lack thereof, either as expected by society or the law, and how politicians and culture adapt and react to this, is an ongoing debate summed up by the wordpolitically corr...
open the path to possible solutions. This discussion is urgent given the impact of the crises on public trust in institutions. We ask whether the present crisis may be seminal in terms of drawing attention to alternative visions for the role of Science in society, and its relevant institutional...
What is This Thing Called Science WhatisThisThingCalledScience byDrTonyMiller Reference: AFChalmers:‘WhatisthisthingcalledScience?’, 2ndEd.,TheopenUniversityPress,1982. “LikeallyoungmenIsetouttobeagenius, butmercifullylaughterintervened.” CleaLawrenceDurrell. Inductivism Thiswasanattempttoground...
One interesting and increasingly popular way to resolve our vexedsense of what it means to be human is to treat the possession of ananimal body as only contingently related to our humanity. To be sure,this suggestion flies in the face of not only evolutionary biology but also most ...