What is an octave in a poem? In poetry, the word “octave” refers to a stanza that contains eight lines. The word is also used to refer to the first part of a sonnet. For example, the first eight lines of an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet follow the rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA. Related...
What is syncopation? What is diminuendo in music? What is a grand staff in music? What is manna? What is an octave? What is absolute music? What is photomontage? What is intaglio? What is concert pitch? What is dramatis personae?
A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. The two main types of sonnets are the Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet, which is divided into an octave and a sestet, and the English (Shakespearean) sonnet, which includes three quatrains and a couplet. One of the most famous sonnets...
An octaveis a set of 8 lines of poetry. Simply, octave can be used to refer to any 8 lines of poetry that make a poem or a specific stanza-rhymed or unrhymed, following a specific meter or not. ... Often, the octave has a rhyme scheme of abba, abba. What type of poem has 8...
Octave (n.) The eighth day after a church festival, the festival day being included; also, the week following a church festival. Octave (n.) The eighth tone in the scale; the interval between one and eight of the scale, or any interval of equal length; an interval of five tones and...
It is written in an elaborate stanza combining meter and alliteration. At the end of each stanza, there is a rimed refrain. (3) Its theme id a series of tests on faith, courage, purity and human weakness for self-preservation. (4) Besides, the romance gives the reader an engrossing ...
Related terms:BurnsStanza, Chaucerian Stanza, Hymn Stanza,Octave, Onegin Stanza The septet, as Geoffrey Chaucer used it, was later utilized by other poets. For example, Edmund Spenser, in his ‘Hymn of Heavenly Beauty.’A variation of the form appeared in Milton’s‘On the Death of a Fair...
A Petrarchan sonnet consists of an eight-line stanza, called an octave, followed by a six-line stanza, called a sestet. This type of sonnet is constructed with a change of thought or turn between the octave and the sestet, although their content and form are aligned. For example, the ...
Emily also uses caesura in the first line in stanza four. There is usually a caesura after the ictus of the third foot. His verses are mostly octosyllables with, generally, a median caesura. What is an example of a volta? Coral isfar more red thanher lips' red; If snow be white, ...
Petrarchan, also called Italian, sonnets are divided into two parts – the octave and the sestet. The octave is an eight-line stanza with the rhyme scheme ABBAABBA. The sestet is a six-line stanza that can have various rhyme schemes, most often using CDCDCD or CDECDE, called the Sicilian...