To get access to any fault codes, you’ll need anOBD2 reader. While all OBD-readers will give you generic fault codes, you should also check if the diagnostic tool is tailored for BMWs. Manufacturer-specific fault codes are often much more precise and specific, which will make diagnostics...
FAQ Added: What is an OBD-II Code Reader (Feb 6/05) Search box added to home page to help you find what you're looking for (Feb 1/05) Added various 2002 Chevrolet Corvette OBD-II Codes (Jan 29/05) Added info on P0300 Cylinder Misfires (Jan 14/05) Subaru OBD-2 Codes (Dec. ...
Once one or more default fault codes have been logged, the CEL light is turned on. Not that it’s very useful by itself. That’s why you need an OBD diagnostic reader or any other similar tool. OBD readers can access freeze frame data. Here’s how it would look with OBDeleven: What...
OBD1 is an early diagnostic system focusing on basic vehicle data, while OBD2 offers a standardized, more detailed analysis of car performance and emissions.
OBD2 InterfaceSupport Auto Arm/DisarmYes Ignition AlarmYes Can-BusSupport Anti-TamperYes RFID2.4G Monitor VoiceYes Product Description TK228 OBD-II GPS Tracker is a multifunctional product. It is an integration of GPS tracking system, RFID...
is a stick. So far I am really happy that I got the unit. It reads way more than my basic older reader and the bi-directional aspect as well as graphing really make it a great tool. Pretty easy to use and intuitive. Mine came with Android 7.0 and ti is a nice case and package....
2.) Is it VAG software specific like VCDS and OBDeleven or just a generic OBD reader? A: 1).The XTool is VAG specific. There is no way to export data directly from the tool itself. When I have the chance I will examine the file structure on the MicroSD card and provide an update...
An OBD2 scanner with or without CAN will still be able to scan your RX300. However, I highly recommend to pay the slight extra $$$ to get a CAN OBD2 scanner to increase its usefulness for all vehicles you may own. One other note, most vehicles before 1996, used OBDI...
First of all, I want to buy an obd reader compatible with all cars, and a new cat for prius.I would be grateful if anyone can advise me. The idea of buying new cells and replacing them one by one is crossing my mind, the prices vary between 40-100$ and yes I can easily do thi...
If you purchased a car built after 1996, it probably has an OBD-II port. But what is it for, and how do you diagnose errors with it?