孩子们启蒙之后,非虚构阅读不可或缺。 黄子的英语学习,已经7年了,一路进阶到中高章图书,顺利裸考PET。 小说类的英文读物,符合年龄的,他能随便听了。 非虚构类的,到了蓝思值1000-1200L上下,这个程度相当于国内研究生考试要求了。这不,刚吵着让我...
How Do I Become an Offshore Structural Engineer? How Do I Become a Structural Analysis Engineer? How Do I Become a Principal Architect? How Do I Become a Structural Design Engineer? What is Architectural Design Engineering? How do I Earn a Structural Engineering Degree?
This prediction is appealing because it suggests a general and physical (rather than site specific and geological) control by atmospheric forcing, and that the scale of giant dunes can be used to infer the MLH on other planets10. An alternative hypothesis, however, is that dune growth just ...
M2(13)L106-- M85-- M3(15)L231496 M181174 M4(17)L3521159 M3018138 Q211395 Note Each number of characters in the table above is the maximum number of characters that can be entered. However, a version (module number) becomes larger depending on the data component (e.g. a combination...
第991期 第990期 第989期 第988期 第987期 第986期 第985期 第984期 第983期 第982期 第981期 第980期 第979期 第978期 第977期 第976期 第975期 第974期 第973期 第972期 第971期 第970期 第969期 第968期 第967期 第966期 第965期 第964期 第963期 第962期 第961期 第960期 第959期...
to Deleted Apr 05, 2024 Deleted Here is a first attempt. It may need additional tweaking. Do not change the formulas in column D. Deleted =LET(dates, UNIQUE(B2:B9), earliest, MINIFS(C2:C9, B2:B9, dates), FILTER(dates, earliest>=TIME(10, 0, 0)+E2)) ...
We are producing "What is reality?" in an independent way, to avoid limitations and impositions of a possible production company. Also we are keeping our goal a low budget - but enough to be able to give viewers a quality product. ...
making a release is an extremely cumbersome process. This blog post (and the ones after) documents all the work I'm doing to make the OnionShare 2.6.1 release. This way others who will take over making releases in the future (and anyone interested in releasing open source desktop software)...
David Lloyd George Noakes (1942–2020) is best known for his insatiable curiosity, his quick wit and dry sense of humor, his scientific contributions to the field of animal behaviour, and his ability to form and maintain long-lasting connections. His research interests were vast but remained gr...
The Microsoft 365 Community Conference is always a special event for the OneDrive team. Last year, we introduced the third generation of OneDrive, which is now enhancing the way customers find, organize and work with their files. This year, we’re looking forward to an engaging conferenc...