What is an irony sentence? A. A sentence that is difficult to understand. B. A sentence that changes the subject. C. A statement that means the opposite of what it appears to mean. D. A type of sentence that is used in all types of writing. ...
Ironyinvolves a clear contrast between what is expected or intended and what actually happens or is expressed. It reveals unexpected outcomes or contradictions that challenge conventional expectations, prompting deeper thought and emotional responses. As a rhetorical and literary device, irony plays an es...
Usually Socratic irony is used in a sly and manipulative way, but not always; a teacher might use the Socratic irony technique to make a child realize they know more about a subject than they thought they did, by asking them leading questions or to clarify certain points. Like verbal irony...
Irony is an event that seems to mock the situation (e.g., there's a hyphen in 'un-hyphenated'). This describes 'situational irony,' but there are three types of irony: verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony.
Irony consists of saying one thing while we mean another. It is not easy to define irony exactly, but we can say that it is the expression of one's meaning by language of opposite or different tendency, especially the adoption of another's views or tone.
And I find irony in all of the examples given, also. Geetanjali December 15, 2010 at 4:22 pm Hi , can you please confirm if the sentence mentioned in the beginning ” the procrastinator’s meeting has been postponed – is this an irony or not ?I think it is …. ...
An explanation that just barely captures the true feeling and definition of irony. The definitions taken from the dictionary, as you can see, are confusing - and that's not what a definition is supposed to be! The first two explanations from the first set of definitions above, appear to ...
"You're a talented athlete," said to an Olympian: authentic, no verbal irony present. Said to the klutzy kid tripping into English class and spilling his books and pencil case all over the room, now that is just harsh and verbally ironic because what you said is not what...
解析:dramatic irony 戏剧性的反讽/戏剧性的讽刺 Tragic irony (dramatic irony) 悲剧反讽 / 戏剧反讽 Comic irony 喜剧反讽 Metafiction / Romantic Irony 后设小说,后小说,元小说 / 浪漫性反讽,浪漫的嘲弄 还有其他:Verbal Irony 言语反讽 Situational Irony 场景反讽 Sophoclean Irony 莎佛克里士式的...
(dramatic irony) 悲剧反讽 / 戏剧反讽 Comic irony 喜剧反讽 Metafiction / Romantic Irony 后设小说,后小说,元小说 / 浪漫性反讽,浪漫的嘲弄 还有其他:Verbal Irony 言语反讽 Situational Irony 场景反讽 Sophoclean Irony 莎佛克里士式的反讽 Irony of Fate 命运反讽 Rhetoric Irony 修辞反讽 ...