First, the act broadens the scope of section 1030(a)(2) to include not just the theft of financial records but the theft of any information (including trade secrets) that involves interstate or foreign communication. Second, the act elevates many of the law's punishments to felony status. ...
Note that interstate travel for parolees and probationers is regulated by the Interstate Compact of Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). All 50 states plus D.C. are part of the compact.2 Parolees and probationers who violate their release terms can be remanded back into custody. Can I get ...
If you were convicted in another state for a DWI, it may count as a prior in your charging and sentencing if the state of conviction has laws similar to New Jersey’s DWI laws. This is true even if the other state is not part of the Interstate Driver License Compact, an agreement bet...
Entrainment technique is detailed by Monroe Patent # 5356368 “Method of and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness”, as accomplished by an auditory replication of brainwave patterns to entrain the EEG. [28] Interstate Industries licensed this patent. The Norris patent # 5889870 “...
My son came down here to Tennessee on an interstate compact deal with his probation officer from Tennessee and Michigan. In a year's time, he got in a lot of trouble and violated a lot of his parole. They sent him back to Michigan to prison but still has open courts here in Tennessee...