What is the Difference Between Internal Medicine vs Family Medicine? 1. Residency IM and FM training programs are both usually three years long and feature a combination of inpatient and outpatient components. As an IM resident, you’ll spend the majority of your time inpatient rotating thr...
The emergence of AI has generated much for even those embedded in the technological field. An approach to machine learning and artificial control intelligence should probably stem from an understanding of what it is and what it can do. In taking this approach, we are positioning ourselves i...
Abortion rights supporters were expected to use the latest regulatory update to make the case that under the law, only the FDA -- not state governments -- can decide which medication is safe enough to be sold in pharmacies. Erica Jalal, MD, is an internal medicine resident physician at ...
We conducted a phenomenological study to explore residents' experiences and challenges through the lens of uncertainty.#Between January and March 2022, six focus groups were conducted comprising a total of 13 internal medicine residents in postgraduate years 2 and 3, who had completed a required 2...
If you have questions about whether or not you should be taking aspirin, you should speak with your healthcare provider first. Dr. Leila Haghighat is an internal medicine resident from Yale New Haven Hospital who also works with the ABC News Medical Unit....
haveshownhowcommonanddeleteriousMEsare,especiallyinhospitalmedicine.Withthis, healthcareleadersinvestedtimeandresourcestowardidentifyingandreducingMEs. Amedicalerrorisdefinedas“anincidencewhenthereisanomissionoramistakeinplanning orexecutionthatleadsorcouldleadtounintendedresult”.WhilethemajorityofMEsdonotlead toanapp...
Jessica Erickson is an Internal Medicine resident at the Cleveland Clinic. She attended medical school at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. She has contributed to several published research papers in clinical medicine and quality and safety research. Dr. Moreno is an assistant...
During residency, resident doctors are supervised by an attending physician who is legally responsible for patient care. Under the fully credentialed doctor’s supervision, the resident doctor gradually gains more and more responsibility, performing exams and procedures, making diagnoses, and ordering and...
However, on August 21, 2001, it was revealed that Robert Tools, a Kentucky resident and former telephone company employee, was the history-making patient. Although Tools has battled an infection and needed a ventilator following his surgery, his doctors report that the mechanical heart continues ...
Since the renaissance of microbiome research in the past decade, much insight has accumulated in comprehending forces shaping the architecture and functionality of resident microorganisms in the human gut. Of the multiple host-endogenous and host-exogenous factors involved, diet emerges as a pivotal det...