Greg is a follower of the Way of Jesus who strives to make the world a better place for all people. Currently, he serves as Chief Executive Officer of White Rock Center of Hope and as Interim Senior Pastor of Advent Lutheran Church. He has served ten congregations, taught religion to und...
When I first applied to become a Preaching Justice Fellow, I saw it as an opportunity to sharpen my skills in preaching justice and leading meaningful social change. At the time, I had no idea that this fellowship would coincide with my return to the pulpit as Interim Senior Pastor of a ...
In that same year, Eugene Nida became interim pastor of Calvary Church of Santa Ana, CA, after the founding pastor resigned in 1939. In spite of his conservative background, in later years Nida became increasingly ecumenical and New Evangelical in his approach. In 1943 Nida received his Ph....
In these days of meanness and cruelty, of greed and power grabs, maybe one of the great acts of resistance we can do is to say clearly and actively to people that we love them. To do that is an act of kindness, and act of truth (hopefully!), and an act of resistance against the...
Over the past two months that I’ve had the privilege of serving as your interim pastor, I’ve asked various groups, “What’s been one positive thing for you that has come out of this pandemic?” I’ve heard some amazing stories with two common themes: First, we’re in this together...
The adjutant to the pastor, also known as the armor-bearer, serves his pastor or leader in any way possible. He acts as a spiritual equivalent to a personal assistant, most commonly serving in Protestant churches. Generally, because of the personal issue
Unexpected as it has been this summer we have discovered a place where we can see the Lord working in many ways in the leaders, Leaders in Training, Pioneer Youth Campers, Summer Staff, campers and guests and Thetis Island neighbours. It is an exciting place to be. Everywhere as I walk ...
My husband is a pastor. We have a very large church here in Houston -- over 5,000 members and I do a lot with that. I had a couple of nonprofits that I wanted more time with. Being a full-time orthopod was not going to allow me to do that. So locums was an option. They ga...
Decked in what interim director of nursing Julia Smith compared to a plastic trash bag, "hot zone" workers have to stay in full protective gear. It's a difficult reality when caring for patients who want the opportunity for human touch and connection, she said. ...
Theological Instincts happen when the paradigms of God’s Revelation are enacted in the ministry of the people of God such that God’s ministry to humanity is more clearly revealed. Jesus knew that “The Sabbath was made for humans, not humans for the S