I know a fact about@augustlan. She’s interested in serial killers. She said so in another thread like, a buncha years ago.I swear! She’s also hot. Berserker(33553)“Great Answer”(3)Flag as…¶ Ooh, Iknowa serial killer. That’s interesting, I guess. Scary, too. (I knew him...
Some Fun an d Interesting Facts Do you think what colour oranges are? The common answer to this question is "Orange". However, the first oranges from Southeast Asi a were actually green. Up to now,oranges in warmer areas like Vietnam an d Thailan d still stay green when they are fully...
People who are more isolated than they want to be fromothers find that they are less happy, their health declines earlierin midlife, their brain functioning declines sooner and they liveshorter lives than people who are not lonely....
Some Fun an d Interesting Facts Do you think what color oranges are? The common answer to this question is "Orange". However, the first oranges from Southeast Asi a were actually green. Up to now, oranges in warmer areas like Vietnam an d Thailan d still stay green when they are full...
they removed a few atoms from the zircon’s surface, then they compare the mass of those items.That’s how they measured the composition of the atoms. And this is what enabled the researchers to date the zircons.In fact, using this technique, they could date, specific parts of a single...
The interesting thing is that on Earth at least it needs highly acidic water to form. So we’ve got water or had it at one point. And since most planetary scientists believe that water is essential to life, the presence of jarosite means that one prerequisite for life was once present on...
One of the ___ of history is that it allows us to know how famous people ___ when they were faced with challenges in their life.___ these challenges happened at a certain time in the past or in a ___ country or culture, all of them can always teach us something ___. Take...
B. life is beyond our expectation C. city chaos will disappear sooner or later D. repair the house before it rains 27. What is the text mainly about? A. How urgent it was to lead an environmental-friendly life...
Uh, you know, I recently read an interesting article about an archaeologist who tried to solve this puzzle with the help of his computer.What he did was, he wrote a computer program to simulate what would happen to mammoths under certain conditions;um, say, for example, there's a drought...
All this talk about news—what is it? We turn to this question because unless a television viewer has considered it, he or she is in danger of too easily accepting someone else's definition—for example, a definition supplied by the news director of a television station; or even worse, ...