An insurance broker is not an insurance agent. Insurance brokers work for themselves or dedicated insurance brokerages. Either way, they typically have relationships with many insurance companies, even if they specialize in only one type of insurance. Insurance companies pay them, but they don’t ...
The first thing one should keep in mind is that a commercial insurance broker is not the same as an agent. Often, business owners who are new to the insurance field use these terms interchangeably. The truth is, they are two distinct professionals, each offering different services. Other than...
Feature Insurance Agent Insurance Broker Loyalty In most of the cases, an insurance agent is someone who represents the interests of only one insurance company. Thus, the main objective of the health insurance agent is to sell the maximum number of policies of the company. A health insurance b...
An insurance broker is a professional who works in the insurance industry as an agent of the buyers, rather than the sellers, of insurance. The goal of insurance broker is to get the best coverage at the best price for clients, which involves a variety of activities on a day to day ...
Understanding Construction Insurance: Actuarial vs. Underwriting Factors Determining the price of construction insurance is complex, with much of the work happening behind the scenes. Most construction companies interact primarily with an insurance broker or agent, but actuaries... ...
Life insurance is an essential financial tool that provides protection and peace of mind for individuals and their families. However, navigating the complex world of life insurance can be overwhelming for many people. That’s where a life insurance broker comes in. ...
What Is Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance? What Is an Expatriate (Expat)? What Is Equity in Investing? What Is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)? What is an exit strategy? What Is Escrow? What Is Enron? What Is an Economic Moat?
That means the performance of your ETF is determined by the price change of all those assets. If you were to buy a stock, your investment's performance would be tied to that single company, which could increase your risk. You can invest in ETFs through a broker, such as a broker ...
Some of the most well-known broker-dealers are Charles Schwab, Morgan Stanley'sE-Trade, and Fidelity. Some of these, like Schwab, are full-scale financial services firms, while E-Trade is primarily an online brokerage firm. Other examples of broker-dealers include LPL Financial, Northwestern Mu...
An insurance agent that sells policies offered exclusively by a single insurance company is referred to as a captive agent. While the policies offered by a captive agent may be less expensive than those offered by an independent agent, it will be difficult for the client to know whether they ...