Money is the basis of what is the American class system— even though most of the people who live there would deny that there are social classes: their ideology is based on "being equal." 金钱也决定了人们对不断向上发展的期望。 Money also dictates an expectation of constant upward prog...
When our ingroup is a low-status group. For example, when a sports team has not won a single game all season, the players are less likely to display ingroup bias. When a member of our ingroup behaves in a way that threatens the positive image of the ingroup. For example, an employ...
circuit courts, appeals courts, and the state Supreme Court. I don't know a lot of people who have ever had to go to court, but they've always just gone to the local courthouse for the county. I would assume that is the circuit court. How do people end up going to federal court,...
In Georgia, the magistrate court doesn't just act like small claims court. It is actually also called small claims court. Like small claims in other states, it offers an informal court procedure and an expedited legal process for very little money. You can file a claim in magistrate court ...
Brand protection is an ever-evolving field, and several trends will likely shape its future landscape. Here’s an overview of potential future trends: Enhanced Role of Technology Advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and digital watermarking will provide more robust meth...
As commonly accepted as it might be, the supremacy of basic law is constantly debated in some regions. Some individuals argue that basic law is inferior tolegislationbecause of the majority vote requirement, but others argue that basic law is superior to legislation because it acts as a form ...
The association between the marks is likely to impair the distinctiveness of the famous mark or harm its reputation. Note: This may include associating it with a brand that makes inferior quality products. In an infringement action, a party will generally request an injunction against further infri...
"Social justice" refers to the community as a whole, affirming that no one should be treated as inferior. 对这种意识形态的依赖意味着美国人经常否认社会阶级或其他明显的不平等的现实,例如基于性别和种族的不平等 Reliance on this ideology means that Americans often deny the realities of ...
Using hundreds of outside sources, Brandeis convinced the Supreme Court that women were inferior and weaker than men, in terms of their ability to work. The result was a law that set a maximum amount of time for a workday for a female laundry worker. The reverberations of the Brandeis ...
and the second to evolve was the ability to understand that knowledge. Therefore both logic and common sense say that understanding is dominant and in no way what so ever should it be suppressed by the knowledgeable as though it is an inferior quality. Relating all of this to RELATIVISTIC THI...