Where Is MATLAB Used? MATLAB and Simulink are used as fundamental modeling and simulation tools for research and development wherever engineering and science are applied. This includes industries and applications such as automotive, aerospace, energy, medical devices, communications, electronics, financial...
Deploy MATLAB Algorithms on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Support from MATLAB, Part 2(11:11) Deploy an Edge Detection Algorithm on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Support from MATLAB, Part 3 Deploy an Edge Detection Algorithm on Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Support from MATLAB, Part 3(5:06) ...
The underlying models are available on MATLAB Central File Exchange. Starting from there, an optimization problem is setup in a mathematically rigorous manner. Two different formulations are discussed as well as the relevancy for algorithms to solve the system. To support that, Sarah and Chri...
This video introduces the concept of linearization and covers some of the topics that will help you understand how linearization is used and why it’s helpful. This video also describes operating points and the process of trimming your system to make an operating point an equilibrium. To end, ...
Explore deep learning fundamentals in this MATLAB Tech Talk. You’ll learn why deep learning has become so popular, and you’ll walk through 3 concepts: what deep learning is, how it is used in the real world, and how you can get started.
Commonly, an array is made up of antennas, which is similar in a way to how wireless communication and radar are made up of antennas, but the general concept can be applied to different elements as long as they measure or emit waves. For example, a speaker and microphone array that is ...
Navigation is the ability to determine your location within an environment and to be able to figure out a path that will take you to a goal. This video provides an overview of how we get a robotic vehicle to do this autonomously.
From the series: What Is 3-Phase Power? In 3-phase electrical power systems, system operation can either be balanced or unbalanced. Unbalanced operation is undesirable, and there needs to be a good way to analyze system imbalance so you can assess the severity of an imbalance, define ...
The index refers to the current position of the subplot within the grid. Creating Subplots in MATLAB Here is an example where we have two datasets, X and Y, and we want to display them in separate subplots within a 2-row, 1-column grid: % Sample data X = 1:10; Y = X.^2; % ...
I am using the decimate function y = decimate(x,r) and I need to know to which index in x the value y(i) corresponds. This is not explicitly addressed in the documentation. In the first example the number of points is k*r+1 and according to the code...