When you buy or sell property, stock, or investments, knowing the inclusion rate can help you file your taxes properly. Applying these rates correctly ensures accuracy in your returns.
That’s because financial inclusion is more than just the ability to open a bank account, make a payment, or get a loan. It’s also a means to an end. Financial inclusion can bridge the divide between economic opportunity and economic achievement. Our current moment presents a meaningful opp...
You’ll probably get your most honest feedback at the exit interview. It’s an ideal opportunity to ask those questions that your organisation most needs answers to, particularly where staff turnover is high. You’ll be able to understand your attrition rate better when you can link exit sur...
Productivity measures the amount of value created for each hour that is worked in a society. Three gear wheels in contact You probably knowthat the amount of work you can get done in one day is your rate of productivity. Productivity in economics is pretty much the same as productivity at ...
Fairness and inclusion Although machine learning, by its very nature, is a form of statistical discrimination, the discrimination becomes objectionable when it places privileged groups at systematic advantage and certain unprivileged groups at systematic disadvantage, potentially causing varied harms. To enco...
what is freesync? freesync™ technology is an adaptive synchronization technology used in lcd displays. a freesync monitor mobilizes freesync technology to eliminate screen tearing and stuttering by synchronizing its refresh rate with the graphics card frame rate (fps). monitors equipped with freesync ...
What is an FPS? FPS, or Frames Per Second, is a measure of the rate at which a computer video game can produce and render frames. Generally, the higher the FPS number, the smoother and more engaging gameplay will be for users.
The total sales you can expect per customer is your average order value, divided by one, minus the repeat purchase rate (50% + 1% = 0.1% = $55.56). Subtract your customer acquisition costs, and you get a lifetime customer value of $40.56. Subtract your purchase costs to determine the ...
What is an engagement-based loyalty program? Customer loyalty marketing is moving beyond transactional "spend-to-get" programs to loyalty programs with an engagement focus. Customers want to do more than just buy. They want to engage with you, express their opinions, and share their experiences....
Ambient computing is more of an abstract concept than a phrase that can be truly defined. You may see it referred to as ubiquitous computing. Both phrases imply two things: natural integration and automatic function. So, the simplest way to look at ambient computing is “invisible” technology...