Also known as cis-1-amino-2-indanol, this compound is used in the synthesis of indinavir intermediates. Indinavir can inhibit the protease encoded by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), particularly certain oligopeptide analogs. These compounds can be used for the prevention and treatment of HI...
The E domain is called the ligand binding domain because it interacts with estrogen, through an arrangement of 11 α helices (H1, and H3 through H12). H12 in this region of the receptor is critical to mediating transcriptional activation via AF-2. At the carboxy terminus (C) is the F ...
The resource-based view (RBV), proposed by Barney (1991), is one of the most important theories to measure the strategic value of an organization's internal resources. This theory explains how an organization achieves a competitive advantage by reconfiguring its internal resources (Erevelles et al...
“La familia de Pascual Duarte”byCamilo José Cela(++): this is the first book I have read by the last Spanish author awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1989. The novel is an exponent of “tremendismo” (from tremendous). It centers on the life of Pascual Duarte, who comin...
H11: PT direct positive influence the intention of elderly to use mobile payment. Social influence SI means that users’ use of a technology is influenced by the views of important people around them (Venkatesh et al.,2003). This includes perceptions of technology adoption from friends, family,...
More recently, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising personalized treatment option by targeting the region in the patient's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex that is most anticorrelated to the sgACC by FC (e.g., (Cash et al., 2019; Fox et al., 2013, 2012; Weigand...
(E)7.5 to E7.8. The node is a transient structure composed of two epithelial layers: the dorsal node and the ventral node [27,123,124]. The ventral node can be separated into the pit region (red inBandC) and the crown region (marked byCerl2expression (black) inB). Pit cells carry...
Hypothesis (H11). The more social workers there are in a region, the larger the size of cultural nonprofit organizations. 2.3. Agglomeration Effect Industrial agglomeration, which is an important economic and geographic phenomenon that occurs during the process of industrialization, provides multiple ben...
Thus, we assume that an educated household head is more likely to leave farming and move to off-farm activities as part of a livelihood transition strategy (H3). Operated land size and land ownership also play an important role in the farming decision and could have negative impacts on the ...
In regard to DPB, an interaction of environmental and genetic factors is thought to underpin the disease. The most probable location for DPB susceptibility genes is thought to lie in a 200 kb major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region between HLA-A and HLA-B. This contains the ...