There’s more than one way to influence an NPC, and sometimes the threat of physical violence is the way to go. WhileIntimidation 5eis all about Charisma, a flexible DM may let aBarbarian 5eroll for Strength instead if they roleplay in the right way. Sometimes a muscular, mean-looking c...
He notes that you should particularly take care when including entranceways. “If all the doors and passageways are 10” wide, huge creatures cannot enter or exit”. We would assume that the creature smashes through the passageway with their immense strength, but the point is: InDnD, sizemat...
Jack of All Trades (JOAT) is an ability that all bards get at second level, which improves some of their ability check rolls. Specifically, the ability says: “Starting at 2nd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn’t alr...