That might have been an omen Reply With Quote 2020-03-02, 12:36 AM #263 Ishayu Epic! Join Date Dec 2011 Location Denmark Posts 1,562 Here are my main gripes with it: 1) There is no progression. You don't get to do more interesting or more difficu...
There is no need to go that far. When it comes to PvP, A-net is just acting like "nothing". There. No need to guess the goal, motivation or intent... there is none. Edited January 25, 2023 by Bazsi.2734 Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Create an account or sign in to ...
I'd be surprised anyway. Anet might allude to it, but this expac is clearly Dragon focused and Anet aren't great at handling multiple plot threads. It'll tell some side stories on the map, but I'm not expecting any deviation from the Dragon plot unless something comes up during the ic...
As it tuns out, it's better, but not by nearly as much as it should be. A great deal of that is because of things like telling us that the systems in place at the start were all the systems we'd see over the whole expac - not true, and having a vast range o...
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD azarhal Member RarePosts: 1,402 August 2017 Divinity Original Sin 2 and GW2 next expac (which I wasn't expecting so ...
8.3 is already unsustainable. 8.3's gonna drop either by December at the latest, or early 2020. It's not going to last an entire year (putting Expansion 8 launching around Q3). TL;DR: Based on where we are in the expansion cycle, there is a near-zero percent chance they don't ...
Part of the reason I don't engage in these competitive modes is due to the differences in skills and expected outcomes. Mirage with one dodge is the easiest example but there are a lot of differences in every profession. With this being an expac and a rebalance coming with assumed new ...
they’ve already pulled Nayos into Tyria when Soo Won died. I think going to an entirely new region like Janthir, despite how close it is, would be unlikely as that would involve creating a lot more assets than just using the red vines and stuff theyve already made for this expac. ...
do you think that guilds just finishing off SSC and TK are goign to see sunwell before the expac? not likley. Its not like this is the first effort bliz has made either, dungeons get nurfed, lower gear gets buffed. its nothing new. you all have the glory of being there first, let ...
so I can't begin to imagine the success of an eventual WotLK server. To this day I still watch the cinematic every once in a while - true masterpiece. If they do WotLK Classic, personally I'm completelety rerolling over there. The problem, and the only problem, is the cash. ...