When done correctly, framing can make your photograph more interesting and engaging. Learn what framing is and how to use it to improve your photographs.
What is keyframing? In the early days of animation, each frame of a production had to be drawn by hand. Now animators can save hours or even weeks or months of work by using digital keyframe animation to identify different elements of a graphic and choose how those elements will move or...
I find the float mounts to cheap looking but when mounted on an edge mount frame they look classier. What really caught my eye however is Lumachrome Acrylic Face Mounts and ROMA framed Fujiflex prints. Printmaking technology in the latter half of this decade has really evolved dramatically. ...
they were not. The fact of the matter is that no one presents information in an entirely bias-free manner. Of course trying to do so is better than trying to manipulate with misinformation, disinformation, or non-information (see“Why is ID important?”). Lying, scamming, tricking, and in...
The simple answer is when you are capturing an image and want multiple elements at varying distances to be completely in focus. This is often the case when shooting landscapes, products, or even when using amacro lens. Take for example the image below. The only way to capture a single ima...
Decades ago, photographers steered the process with film chemistry, lens selection, shot framing and darkroom alterations. Now Photoshop, smartphone image processing and generative AI make those analog-era alterations look primitive. These days, you'd be right to question how much truth the...
Before I start, yes, it's a Celestron C8. Yes, I know it has a narrow field of view, and, yes, I know it's an f/20 telescope. What I'm asking here is trying to take that information into account. As a person who is both a serious amateur photographer and also understands sta...
What is a Polarizing Filter? A polarizing filter, also known as a “polarizer”, is aphotographic filterthat is typically used in front of a camera lens in order to reduce reflections, reduce atmospheric haze and increase color saturation in images. It is a popular filter among landscape, cit...
In the example image above, the bin 1×1 image has 2x the resolution of the smaller bin 2×2 image. This is the largest possible image size this camera can capture. The Effects of Binning Binning can allow for faster readout speeds, improved signal-to-noise ratio, and can be a helpful...
Just provide enough visual detail to give an impression of what is happening, which characters are in the scene, and what the general framing will look like. The script and notes will help fill in the rest of the details. You can also make notes about camera angles and movement, transition...