After coming to God, knowing that we are only saved by His grace through faith, we must then let go of the world and allow His transforming power to renew us and make us new in His image–“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; beho...
What is a Trappist monk? The Trappist Order of Monks: The Order of Cistercians, part of the Catholic Church, was founded in 1098 when monks from an abbey in Molesme, France left to form a more strict monastery based on the Rule of Saint Benedict. They became known for brewing ale and...
What is public musicology? What is public communication? What does petition mean in prayer? What is meditation? What is a sermon? What is religious pluralism? What is a minaret? What is a congregation? What is a crucifix? What is manna? What is an evangelist? What is a communion antiphon...
Awarded excellent fidelity and usability by Catholic Culture ... it is an impressive piece of work. This, too, is an important tool in spreading the Faith. Your language and writing style is appropriate to your target audience. Deacon Eugene Margeson, Vice Chancellor, ArchDiocese of Ottawa (No...
The tent revival was the mainstay of many early wondering evangelists and is still with us today. In a way these became sideshows competing for the time (and contributions) of small town and frontier farms all across a growing America. Starting about 1830 a great backlash against education ...
It is manifest from the narratives of the Evangelists that Christ only made the great truth known to the Twelve step by step. First He taught them to recognize in Himself the Eternal Son of God. When His ministry was drawing to a close, He promised that the Father would send another ...
For the Evangelists, by whose blest word,Like fourfold streams, the garden of the Lord, Is fair and fruitful, be Thy Name adored. Alleluia, Alleluia! For Martyrs, who with rapture kindled eye,Saw the bright crown descending from the sky, And seeing, grasped it, Thee we glorify. Alleluia...
As an evangelist, I deal with apologetics issues all the time. For those of you unfamiliar with this topic, it simply means giving a rational defense of the faith to those who ask you. In reading a book entitled Letters from a Skeptic A Son Wrestles with His Father's Questions about ...
Dwight Moody, who was the most popular evangelist of the nineteenth century, was essentially an Arminian with regard to his doctrine of salvation, although he inconsistently taught that salvation could not be "lost" after it was "obtained." The same is true of Billy Graham in the twentieth ...
The interior of the dome is divided into sections, and feature mosaics picturing six levels of angels and saints ascending towards the divine realm of heaven - symbolised by the golden stars surrounding the cupola, where God the Father reigns in glory. The Four Evangelists meanwhile appear in ...