What Is Error 404? An HTTP error 404 happens when a web server can’t locate a resource, such as a webpage, at a specific URL. This can occur if: The user entered an incorrect page URL, possibly due to a typo The website owner deleted the resource, so it’s no longer available ...
The URL has been mistyped: This reason is the simplest and before you start worrying about what the reason for the 404 page must be, it is a good idea to check the spelling in your URL. A simple error like that can cause the user to end up with an HTTP 404 error. An...
A 404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the page a user is trying to access does not exist. 404 errors can occur for a wide variety of reasons, but they almost always lead to a poor User Experience (UX). More About 404s The 404 error is often called the “404 Not ...
a 404-error means that the requested page is not found. in contrast, a 500 internal server error indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. essentially, a 404 error points to a client-side issue, while a 500 error suggests a ...
The Error code 404 is an HTTP Status Code that indicates that the page you are trying to visit is not present on the web server. Seeing this code as a website visitor, you will most likely close the tab and find what you are looking for elsewhere. Still, there are a few things you...
Why should you personalize your 404 error page? Having a standard 404 error page is better than having none at all, although a customized page is more preferred for several reasons. On the one hand, you can be sure that visitors receive anaccurate HTTP status code: for example, if the...
The 403 Forbidden Error is an HTTP status code indicating that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it. In simpler terms, you’re trying to access a web page or resource that you’re not allowed to view. How Does the 403 Error Appear?
HTTP Status Code 404: The “Not Found” Error This is a very common error. What happens here is that the URL being requested was simply not found. It’s not true that all 404s are bad—this is actually a misconception. It’s fine to serve a 404 if you simply don’t have that pa...
If the 404 error happens largely around URLs a user might type directly into their web browser, then try and anticipate potential typos. Then, you can create URL redirects to the intended page accordingly. While this is an imperfect art, anticipating user error will make your site feel that ...
The HTTP Status Code 401 is similar to 400 except that it is specifically used when required authentication has failed or has not yet been provided by the client. What Is HTTP Status Code 401? HTTP Status Code 401, also known as an 'unauthorized error', is a common response code that te...