eDrawings Professionalcan save an EASM file to non-CAD formats likeJPG,PNG,HTM,BMP,TIF, andGIF. Also supported is an export toEXE, which embeds the viewer program in a single file—the recipient doesn't even need to have eDrawings installed to open the assembly file. If you convert to ...
An SLDPRT file is a 3D model created by Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, a popularCADprogram. It represents a part of a manufactured item. SolidWorks users combine SLDPRT files to create 3D assemblies, saved as.SLDASMfiles. More Information
In large scale agriculture the predominant farm power source is the diesel engine installed in tractors, combines, other self-propelled machines and stationary units where electric motors also play an important role. In the developing world, engine power is generally on the increase as low-cost ...