All these innovative tools can improve efficiency and accelerate cellular ultrastructure analysis. This understanding is critical for advancing knowledge in areas such as cell biology, neurobiology, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic interventions. ...
Relabel By Track ID – Amira Software for Cell Biology The Relabel By Track ID is a new module that allows you to relabel a Time Series of segmented objects to match their corresponding Track ID. This enables the visualization of the results of the object tracking step using Slices or Voxeli...
You're thinking of another kind of cloning, where they insert DNA into an empty host cell with the intention of growing an embryo, I think. I think the purpose of a cloning vector is to provide a space in a DNA sequence that is able to invade a cell and replicate, but not much ...
We focus on WPM and present a supply chain that terminates in North America as an example; however, this is globally relevant as many goods are moved with WPM and many of the phytosanitary risk reduction principles we review are relevant for other commodities, conveyances, and supply chains. ...
What is Gene Therapy Used For? Gene therapy research involves multiple disciplines and technologies. With the development of molecular biology, molecular genetics, and clinical medicine, gene therapy has been widely used in clinical practice. At present, the scope of gene therapy has expanded from ...
While the distribution of ecological space in Zhaoqing, Huizhou, Hong Kong and Jiangmen is more concentrated, the living space is more clustered in Dongguan. 5. Discussion The pattern of PLES has an important influence on sustainable land use and regional economy (Tian et al., 2020, Yang et...
they are nothing but parametrized functions\(\varvec{f}_{\varvec{\theta }}(\varvec{x})\)of some data vector\(\varvec{x}\), and their ‘learning’ is nothing but an iterative, algorithmic fitting of the parameters to data. Hence, what could be special about them as a scientific too...
2.2. General models of translocation: how the energy of NTP-hydrolysis is converted into directional movement In an effort to explain the sequence of events that enables the conversion of the NTP hydrolysis-induced domain rotation into a directional movement, two hypotheses have been brought forward...
Due to the strict spatial and ecological isolation of the Point Thomas Oasis (chapter Geographical barrier), humans are the only vector of alien propagule dispersal. This is true for long distance transportation (transoceanic), as well as for local propagule dispersal within the Antarctic between ...
In ’t Hooft’s theory the hidden state is identified with a basis vector \(|n\rangle \) in some Hilbert space H (\(n\in {{\mathbb {N}}}\)), and once again the measure \(\mu _{\psi }(n)=|c_{n}|^2\) is given by the Born probability for outcome n with respect to th...