motion and behavior of an object through space and time, matter and its fundamental constituents." In simple words, it can be said that physics is one of the most fundamental disciplines of science, and its ultimate goal is to understand how the universe...
questions physics mcqs class 12 physics mcqs class 11 physics mcqs class 10 physics mcqs class 9 physics mcqs physics current electricity unit of inductance unit of inductance inductance property is found in most of the electric coils, where an induced emf is generated in a coil when there is ...
The materials characterization process helps you choose the best materials and design — and discover the root causes of any product failures.
What is the principle of a galvanometer? What is emf? What are the limitations of Kirchhoff's law? Define Stokes Law. What are laws of motion? Define Biot-Savart's law. What is Ballistic Galvanometer? What is electric flux in physics?
splitting of white light into seven constituent colours when passed through the prism. prism is an optical element which is transparent with flat, polished surfaces that refract light. change in the direction of propagation of light when passed through a different medium is called refraction of ...
EMF Definition Entity Definition Plastic Definition Policy Definition Atmosphere Definition Carbohydrates Definition Demand Definition Economics Equation Definition Literacy Rate Definition Molarity Definition Non-Verbal Communication Definition OCD Definition Router Definition Stress Definition Physics Symmetry Definition ...
The emf describes the chemical relationship among the electrons of different atoms. There are many ways to describe the emf mathematically. In classical electrodynamics (it is a branch of physics that describes the relationship among the charge and current by Newtonian model) the electric field is ...
An emf induced by motion relative to a magnetic field is called a motional emf. This is represented by the equation emf = LvB, where L is length of the object
What is an electrolier? What is the unit of the slope? What are dielectrics? What is the coefficient of restitution? What is emf? What are the units of torque? What is electricity? What is meant when it is said: "the motion is relative"?
The polarity of induced emf is given by….[KEAM] Questions on Electromagnetic Induction: If a transformer of an audio amplifier has output impedance 8000 0 and the speaker has input impedance…...[JCECE 2005] A conducting loop in the shape of a right angled isosceles triangle of …..[JEE...