While playing Genshin Impact this morning, I noticed something I had never noticed before. I took a small hiatus, so I’m not sure if this is something new or I was just oblivious to it. On the character profile, the characters elemental type is displayed on the top-left of ...
4 Piece- Elemental Skill and Burst DMG will be increased by 10%. Moreover, after the character takes damage, the previously mentioned damage bonus increases by 80% for 5 seconds. It can be stacked up to 5. The effect triggers even if the equipping ...
Gaming will also make his debut in Phase 1 banners, with an improved pull rate during the period. Gaming is a 4-star Pyro DPS unit that specializes in using a special form of Plunging Attack through the activation of his Elemental Skill.Following Gaming’s debut in these banners, he will ...
The main character's Geo elemental burstcauses a shockwave to shoot out from wherever the player is standing dealing damage to enemies and pushing them backward. While the main character's Anemo abilities in Genshin Impact are arguably better, the Geo abilities can come in handy from time to ...