If asked "What is an isotope ?" in GCSE Chemistry, a more detailed answer is required using one of the definitions below: Definitions of an isotope: Isotopesare atoms of thesameelementthat have thesamenumber of protons butdifferentnumbers of neutrons. ...
Atoms are the smallest particles of an element that have the chemical properties of that element. Atoms are therefore extremely small (the hydrogen atom is the smallest) and are sometimes described as the "basic building blocks of matter". This description makes more sense the more chemistry ...
What is a mole in chemistry GCSE? Chemists measure the amount of a substance in a unit called 'the mole'. ... It allows chemists to make predictions about the masses of different substances that are involved in reactions. One mole isthe Avogadro number of particles (atoms, molecules , ion...
mean orbital element mean peace mean people or people mean plasma concentra mean platelet volume mean refuelling rate mean service access d mean solar time meant mean square error of mean squares between mean streak tv mean supply air tempe mean surface of congr mean to ms mean triangle misclo...
What is the pathway for protein synthesis? What cell structure contains DNA? What cell part is the site of protein synthesis? What nucleic acid plays a role in protein synthesis? Which element is found in both DNA and protein? What is the most common source of DNA ligase?
What is the purpose of flame in atomic absorption spectroscopy and flame photometry? Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry In AAS, however, theflame serves to dissociate the element from its chemical bonds and place it in a ground state at which it is capable of absorbing light of a wavelength spec...
What is Inorganic Chemistry? Elements Mixtures & Compounds Elements, Mixtures and Compounds What is a chemical element ? What is a compound ? What is a substance ? Recent Health News 07 April 2020 - Saffron adopted through ABC's Adopt-an-Herb Program 07 April 2020 - World Health Day 2020:...
Chemical substances can therefore beeithera pure chemical elementora pure chemical compound. This definition and interpretation is generally considered sufficient for school-level, incl GCSE Chemistry. There are, however, some other definitions e.g. "A form of matter that has both definite composition...
Protons have arelative massof 1, which is the same as the relative mass of neutrons. Thenumber of protons in an atomis called the 'Atomic Number' of that atom and is sometimes referred to as 'Z'. This is important because itdefines the type of atom, i.e. whichelementit is an atom...