Methods: This is a single-center retrospective study including all fetuses with a diagnosis of echogenic bowel (FEB) in the mid-second trimester between 2015 and 2021. Ultrasound images were analyzed using ImageJ software. The mean of the grayscale histograms of the bowel, liver, and iliac/...
US features of the duplication cyst will include a cyst with a hypoechoic outer muscular layer and an echogenic inner mucosal layer [96]. CT and MRI will show a cyst along the bowel loop, and they also aid in identifying the lesion and defining its location and size [54]. In CT, ...
Fibrocystic changes may occur in the terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) resulting in the formation of an ultrasound mass. The TDLU may be: Fat necrosis The ultrasound appearance of fat necrosis is very variable. Most of the time, it appears as a finely echogenic solid mass with a circumscri...
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