An echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF) is a sonographic "soft marker" for aneuploidy, most commonly Down syndrome and trisomy 13. We observe this marker in about 5% of second-trimester ultrasound examinations, which means obstetricians must deal with it on a regular basis.1'2 Aside from its rel...
The imaging method of choice is transvaginal ultrasound. The optimal endometrium prior to embryo transfer is the so-called trilaminar, triple line or "coffee bean" endometrium, typical of the advanced follicular phase. It is formed by two outer hyperechogenic lines that represent the junction ...
Ultrasound-guided microbiopsy was performed; b: histological section (×10 magnification) showing an old fibroadenoma with a largely stromal component (asterisk) responsible for the irregular margins seen with ultrasound. The definition of juvenile FA is not the age at which it appears – only 5 ...
called the “combined screen,” involves an ultrasound measurement of the nuchal fold at the back of the fetus’ neck–called nuchal translucency or NT–and a test of the mother’s blood for certain markers. Then, a second trimester screen is performed using the long-time screening...
For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to ...
The working heart is a precursor for this zone's presence, since it disappears when cardioplegia arrests the heart [12]. (a) (b) Figure 6. (a) Mid-septal hyperechogenic line shown in low and high-resolution echocardiogram; (b) septum high-resolution ultrasound image at transducer frequency...