The ability to back-test on quantifiable data is an epistemological paradigm shift in favor of the EA. Prior to that human traders either did not back-test their trading ideas or they attempted to do so in a very awkward fashion. Often they had to resort to the very crude and time-consu...
Forexample,assumingIhaveawalletof USD 1,000.00 and Iopena EUR/USDtransaction. At onepointin thetransaction, I wassufferingalossof USD 200, but IendedupclosingthedealwithalossofonlyUSD 100. MyDrawDownis 20% (200/1000) or 10% (100/1000)? I askthisbecauseIwanttoknowif I can use an EAwit...
Metatrader 4 (MT4) expert advisors, or robots, enable you to automate trading however, in order to perform consistently, your computer (with a trading terminal installed) needs to be up and running at all times with an uninterrupted connection to the trade server. It is therefore inherently ri...
Forex trading is remarkably versatile, offering a myriad of trading styles, strategies, and systems. The diverse community of traders encompasses those who prefer manual trading and those who opt for forex automated trading with some of the best forex robots. In this article, w...
amateurs in the trading world can also link their accounts to that of an experienced trader. Anytime the trader makes a trade, the same is copied in his or her account. In a case where one of your accounts is subscribed to be receiving forex signals, then that can serve as your master...
You can copy trades between multiple MT4 accounts by using an Expert Advisor such as theLocal Trade Copier. You can even have your trading accounts running on different Forex brokers when using the LTC EA, which was specifically designed for the MT4 platform and is the perfect solution to inst...
Control over emotions.There is no place for emotions in the Forex market. Spontaneous decisions lead to a rapid loss of funds. Automatic trading eliminates this problem. A simple check of the trading strategy.If you want to test yourstrategyon historical data, you can create an Expert Advisor...
What is a VPS forex? Maybe you’ve heard of VPS forex. The term forex VPS has to do with trading on forex trading. VPS is useful for you as a trader, but it depends on the method you use. In the economic aspect, virtualization has an important influence that is developing today. ...
Market Watch window in MT4 Trading Platform Navigator – It’s an indispensable tool allowing you to access all kinds of indicators, Expert Advisors (a.k.a. Forex robots), or custom scripts for advanced users. Also, this is where you can switch between different accounts if you have a few...
These are not available on the MT4 platform with the Forex accounts. Pro Tip ✔️:All accounts allow you to run an EA. Why not use the VPS offer below and trade the crypto markets 24/7/365. When it comes to execution of the orders, the Fix account is executed immediately whereas ...