The Prefix– After the proxy (if displaying the DOI as an active URL) or the string before the first slash in DOIs not using the proxy, is the Prefix. This is provided by the registration agency, such as Crossref, when registering a DOI.[1] The prefix will always start with ’10.’...
There is no central DOI system that lists them all, but web search engines will usually show DOI names if you search for an article/book by title, name, or topic. If an article has a DOI, the number should be listed in the information about the article, which can be called “Detailed...
doi:10.1007/s11999-014-3895-0Haughom, Bryan D.Goldstein, ZachHellman, Michael D.Yi, Paul H.Frank, Rachel M.Levine, Brett R.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchHaughom BD, Goldstein Z, Hellman MD, Yi PH, Frank RM, Levine BR. An analysis of references used for the Orthopaedic In-...
The term eHealth is widely used by many individuals, academic institutions, professional bodies, and funding organizations. It has become an accepted neologism despite the lack of an agreed-upon clear or precise definition. We believe that communication among the many individuals and organizations that...
Wikidata is a community-driven knowledge graph, strongly linked to Wikipedia. However, the connection between the two projects has been sporadically explored. We investigated the relationship between the two projects in terms of the in- formation they contain by looking at their external references....
sand flux directionality is determined over only 10 years — a relatively short time compared to the age of large dunes in the database — and therefore may not represent formative conditions; and second, sand supply is an important but unmeasured control on sand flux that likely varies signifi...
There is an important and underlying concern that teachers cannot necessarily detect when their own implicit biases weight decisions in ways that do not serve students’ needs or best interests. Research continues to examine the role of teachers’ unconscious bias in the meaningful persistence of ...
References Collins, A.Cogn. Sci.1, 1–2, ArticleGoogle Scholar Gardner, H.The Mind's New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution. (Basic Books, 1987). Simon, H. & Kaplan, C.A. Foundations of Cognitive Science. InFoundations of...
It is known that G-CSF might be involved in the induction of adaptive changes that favor immune tolerance in pregnancy, which might be an important part of the immunoregulatory events during the implantation period. In this review and meta-analysis, we performed a subgroup analysis in terms of...
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