My boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime Authoritarian Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; An authoritarian regime Autocratic government Despotic rulers A dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war A tyrannical government Authorita...
If the ruler lacks rén, Confucianism holds, it will be difficult if not impossible for his subjects to behave humanely. Rén is the basis of Confucian political theory: it presupposes an autocratic ruler, exhorted to refrain from acting inhumanely towards his subjects. An inhumane ruler runs t...
The governance under an autocrat can sometimes enjoy periods of stability and prosperity, particularly if the ruler is benevolent and wise. On the other hand, dictatorships are often marked by turmoil, resistance, and international condemnation due to their oppressive nature and violation of human ri...
sawtheriseofanautocraticFascistruler,Hitler, andhisNaziParty,alongsideItalyanditsfascist GovernmentledbyMussolini.TheNazis attainedatotalitariancharacterinGermany, drivenbytheideaof“supremacyofrace.”Power cravingGermany,Italy,andJapansoontook uponthemselvestoavengetheirfallenterritory. ...
Today, the term “dictator” is associated with cruel and oppressive rulers who violate human rights and maintain their power by jailing and executing their opponents. Dictators typically come to power through the use of military force or political deceit and systematically limit or deny basic civil...
An absolute monarchy is a form of government in which a single person—usually a king or queen—holds absolute, autocratic power. In absolute monarchies, the succession of power is typically hereditary, with the throne passing among members of a ruling family. Arising during the Middle Ages, ab...
A former Soviet republic, it transitioned to autocratic rule under Heydar Aliyev, a former Soviet Politburo member who seized power after the Soviet collapse. His son, Ilham Aliyev, succeeded him as the country's ruler. The article reports that the country's ruling elite is corrupt, enriching ...
I see strongmen as a subset of authoritarians, all of whom want to expand the executive branch until it overwhelms the legislature and the judiciary so that there are no checks on them. A strongman is more specifically a personalist ruler, whereby everything is turned into a tool to satisf...
A strength of the impeachment system is that it is covered under a system of checks and balances. Both houses of Congress must ultimately agree in order to remove a person from office. One potential weakness is that an impeachment can only originate in the House of Representatives. So while...
Henry was more than just a ruler; he was the epitome of Renaissance manhood. Charismatic and engaging, he possessed a sharp mind that was well-educated in the arts, theology, and the sciences. Not just content with intellectual pursuits, Henry was also an impressive athlete. He excelled in...