First aidfor seizuresis aimed at keeping the person safe until the seizure stops on its own. Stay calm, loosen anything around the person's neck, do not restrain them or put anything in their mouth, clear the area around them, and stay with them after the seizure stops. Call 911 if th...
An aura (warning sign of a seizure), such as nausea or smelling something that is not real Staring with no awareness of your surroundings Not responding when spoken to Sudden bursts of anger or aggression Lip smacking, chewing, or picking at your clothes without knowing you are doing it ...
If your child had an aura, include it in the seizure diary. Ask what safety precautions your child should take. Talk with your adolescent's healthcare provider about driving. Your adolescent may not be able to drive until he or she is seizure-free for a period of time. You will need ...
Every time I felt an aura for my seizures, I would ask my friend to watch me. I would introduce myself to new people by saying "Hi, I'm Jayne, I have epilepsy." I would then explain to the person what would happen if I had a complex partial seizure. I owe a lot to my ...
There is no cure for MS and medications are not always effective in relieving symptoms. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) may be recommended, such asreflexology,biofeedback,acupuncture, stretching, and aerobic exercise.1819 Epilepsy and Other Seizures ...
The warning signs of epilepsyare different for everyone, but some of the commonly reported symptoms are: Prodrome (early signs): Odd feelings Confusion or feeling fuzzy Irritability Headache Mood swings Unable to concentrate Aura (late signs):A feeling before the onset of partialseizures ...
Seizures have been reported to occur in only a tiny percentage of dogs but when it happens it can be a frightening event for the dog owner. But, what is a seizure in a dog? Would you be able to recognize one? If your dog had a seizure would you know what to do ? Let’s ...
Neuroimaging Imaging tests may be performed during a headache episode to get a clearer picture of what is going on during an actual headache. Electroencephalogram This test can show your doctor whether there are changes in brain wave activity. It can help diagnose brain tumors, seizures, head inj...
The vet will likely treat your dog with an anticonvulsant medication such as phenobarbital orleviteracitam (Keppra).3Once you start your dog on an anticonvulsant med, you must continue it for the rest of the dog's life. If it's discontinued, the dog is at greater risk for seizures. Spea...
Can you feel if your brain is swelling? Symptoms of brain swelling includeheadache, dizziness, nausea, numbness or weakness, loss of coordination or balance, loss of the ability to see or speak, seizures, lethargy, memory loss, incontinence, or altered level of consciousness. ...