We create an instance of CalculatorController, set the values of firstNumber and secondNumber. Then, we use DispatchQueue.main.async to execute the calculateSum function asynchronously. Next, we use XCTAssertEqual to verify that the result property of the controller is indeed 5 after the calculate...
The idea is to have a controller class method, which represents various HTTP verbs, perform an operation to complete a specific task. For example, GetProducts() would return products by using GET as an HTTP verb.What's the difference between the controller-based approach and minimal API?
In versions before C# 13, the^operator can't be used in an object initializer. You need to index the elements from the front. refandunsafein iterators andasyncmethods This feature and the following two features enableref structtypes to use new constructs. You won't use these unless you writ...
In versions before C# 13, the^operator can't be used in an object initializer. You need to index the elements from the front. refandunsafein iterators andasyncmethods This feature and the following two features enableref structtypes to use new constructs. You won't use these unless you writ...
In versions before C# 13, the^operator can't be used in an object initializer. You need to index the elements from the front. refandunsafein iterators andasyncmethods This feature and the following two features enableref structtypes to use new constructs. You won't use these unless you writ...
Redefinition of the ChangeStream class as an async iterable. You can use ChangeStream instances in any context that expects an AsyncIterator. Notably, change streams can now be used in Javascript for-await loops: const changeStream = myColl.watch(); for await (const change of changeStream) ...
('BStack\'s Cart Functionality',asyncfunction(){this.timeout(0);vardriver;before(function(){driver=buildDriver();});it('should allow items to be added to the cart',asyncfunction(){await driver.get('https://bstackdemo.com/');await driver.wait(until.titleMatches(/StackDemo/i),10000);...
where Node.insert is some asynchronous action. I can't just call await without the async keyword at the declaration of my function, and i don't need a named function for later use, but need to await that insert call or i need some other richer features (who knows?). Share Improv...
AsynchMOOC: they can be attended anytime, anywhere and work best in different time zones. Coursera is an example of a platform that provides this type of courses; AdaptiveMOOC: based on dynamic assessment, these are courses geared towards personalized learning, such as Gogbooks; ...
C++/C#/Java: We added a new API, GetActivationPhrasesAsync() to the VoiceProfileClient class for receiving a list of valid activation phrases in Speaker Recognition enrollment phase for independent recognition scenarios. Important: The Speaker Recognition feature is in Preview. All voice profiles ...