Maven Artifact: final class DeploymentWhatIfProperties extends DeploymentPropertiesDeployment Wh...
An artifact might be a JAR, EAR, or other executable file. Automated testing and reporting As it follows automation testing, you can easily test thousands of lines of your code with this tool. After finishing the test, you need to put that code in the reporting section of the POM file...
package– creates an artifact such as a JAR, ZIP or WAR file. install– moves a created artifact into a Maven repository. How does Maven manage Java dependencies? At the root of every Maven project is a Project Object Model file namedpom.xml. This fi...
The name “Artifactory” reflects the fact that it can host any type of “artifact” needed in your software development “factory.” In software development, an artifact is any object produced during the software development and delivery process. Artifacts include the files used to install and ru...
The script is versioned and checked into source control as an artifact of your project. You invoke the script to provision a consistent and repeatable infrastructure across system environments, such as QA, staging, and production.Under the hood, IaC is idempotent, meaning that you can run the ...
Gradle is a flexible build automation tool for Java. In this blog, you will learn about its useful commands and features, and why it's better than Maven.
SpringAI is a powerful tool that helps Java application developers work with LLMs in a platform-agnostic way. Here's how to start using it.
Number of session entries in a given table for a given provider ID SAML Size of artifact map Size of assertion map Authentication module Distributed Authentication service is not required to use only one server for load-balanced deployments. Authentication service and server is not required to ...
Using OSGi in a Java project: Knoplerfish OSGi We’ll work through an example application that will make OSGi concepts more concrete. Our example is based on theKnoplerfish OSGi runtime, which is used in many production deployments. Knoplerfish includes a GUI and command-line...
<dependency><groupId></groupId><artifactId>guava</artifactId><version>31.1-jre</version></dependency> AnImmutableMapis an immutable Map implementation. Similar to other immutable classes, itrejects null values. AnImmutableMapcan be created in the following ways: ...