An is the other indefinite article. It’s used when the noun begins with a vowel. That’s it. There are only three articles in English grammar; one is definite, and the other two are indefinite. Here are a few examples of articles in English: They’re doing a renovation at the school...
This leads to a common type of mistake: using an adverb when what you want is a predicate adjective. Here’s an example you’ve probably heard before: I feel badly about what happened. Because feel is a verb, it may seem to call for an adverb rather than an adjective. But feel isn...
Here at Grammar Revolution, we categorize words into eight parts of speech, and we say that articles are a subcategory of adjectives. There are only three articles in the English language. That's easy! They are the, a, and an. The = Definite Article The article the is called a ...
Unfortunately, snack time will have to wait, because we need to learn aboutarticles. We usearticlesto point out that a noun is a noun, and all of our tasty sentences used a type ofarticlecalled anindefinite article. If you’re a bit peckish, grab a snack before you join us in chowing...
Indefinite articles are small but integral parts of English grammar. Today we’ll discuss what an indefinite article is and how it serves communication. What Is an Indefinite Article? An indefinite article is simply the word “a” or “an” used before a noun. It denotes the class to which...
What are grammar conventions? What is an intensifier in grammar? What is a proposition in grammar? What is grammar used for? What is an auxiliary in grammar? What is a particular article in grammar? What is the difference between "that" and "which" in grammar?
What is an affix? An affix is officially defined as “a bound inflectional or derivational element, as a prefix, infix, or suffix, added to a base or stem to form a fresh stem or a word, as –ed added to want to form wanted, or im– added to possible to form impossible.” So,...
June is my favorite month. Teachers emphasize the importance of grammar. Nouns are one of the main types of words in English, along with other parts of speech such as verbs. They are often, but not always, preceded by an article (“the,”“a,” or “an”) or other determiner. You ...
What is an example of a clause in grammar? What is the predicate of a sentence? What do adverbs modify? What are relative adverbs? What is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause? What's the difference between a verb, adverb, and adjective?
An intransitive verb is a verb that doesn’t require a direct object to function correctly (e.g., “stand”).