Ihavetwobrothers.Oneisadoctor,theotherisanengineer. •theothers指:“其余的几(个,一些)”,后不接名词。 我们班上除了两个学生考试没通过外,其他的都通过了。 Onlytwostudentsfailedintheexam,theothersallpassed通(过)it. •another指三个或三个以上的“另一、再一”;一般后接名词 “another+基数词+名词...
Muhammad Ali made an attempt to (80)ppush the boundaries of human achievement,struggling for the greatest and bringing joy to people across the world.Just as President Obama commented,Muhammad Ali shook up the world.And the world is better for it.We are all better for it. ...
At this point, the pre-miRNAs are now double-stranded miRNAs, which can form an active RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). This complex comprises a double-stranded miRNA associated with the Argonaute 2 protein (AGO2), the key catalytic enzyme within the complex. Thus, RISC is the ...