Is an At-Home Sleep Apnea Test Right for You? If your doctor suspects that you have moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea, and if you don’t have any characteristics that could interfere with the at-home test results, you might be a good candidate for an at-home sleep apnea test. ...
An A1c test shows the average amount of sugar in your child's blood over the past 2 to 3 months. Your child's healthcare provider will tell you the level that is right for your child. The goal is usually below 7%. The goal may change as your child gets older. A fasting plasma ...
Although a stair-treadmill ergometer sounds like a high-tech piece of exercise equipment, it is actually another name for a stair climber or stepmill. An ergometer is an exercise machine that can measure your work output. A stair-treadmill is the combination of a standard stepper and a treadm...
Atrial fibrillation or AF is a heart rhythm disorder that causes the heart to beat in an irregular and often accelerated manner. The cause is a malfunction in the electrical system of the heart, where all electrical impulses normally are fired in a regular way by the sinus node. In AF pati...
A sleep disorder test is a type of test that is used to determine what kind of sleep disorder a person has. Most of the time...
An IQ (intelligence quotient) test is a standardized method to know the mental ability of a person, usually against a peer group. IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate normal or average intelligence.
This is because a collapsed lung may also refer to an entirely different condition, called a pneumothorax. Pneumothorax results in the collapse of a lung largely due to factors lying outside of the lung, namely air in the chest cavity. Atelectasis results in the collapse of a lung due to ...
What is non-fluent aphasia? What is an aneurysm? What is cholinergic urticaria? What is the cochlear nerve? What is expressive aphasia? What is a tourniquet? What is a circulating nurse? What is apnea? What is borderline autism? What is micronutrient malnutrition?
Sleep apnea is a condition that causes you to wake up repeatedly over the night. When this persists over a long period of time, it can wreak havoc in the rest of your life. Read more to learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Sleep Apnea 101 Have you ever felt exhau...
People who have central sleep apnea often have an illness or condition that affects the brain stem, which is the area of the brain that controls breathing. Health conditions linked to central sleep apnea includestroke,heart failure, kidney problems, or a brain lesion or disorder. ...