Real world events have real consequences, however, and in light of an event as consequential as the last election, a math lecture on contour integration or the central limit theorem may seem meaningless. But there is one precious thing mathematics has, that almost no other field currently ...
AR and AP invoices can be consolidated based on theExecution datefield instead of the consolidation date. You can select an invoice for consolidation by using the consolidation date that is defined in theCustomersform. You can select an order to invoice based on the consolidation date in...
First, the simplest, is in a preferenceChangeListener, you can grab the entered value, encrypt it, and then save it to an alternative preferences file: public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue) { // get our "secure" shared preferences file. SharedPrefer...
Years ago this was not a problem, but these days it is much harder to have Apple make such an exception. If this fails, you can always try contacting Apple corporate to plead your case and voice your displeasure. Reply User profile for user: exalky exalky User level: Level 1 8 ...
A single translation unit can be compiled into an object file, library, or executable program. The notion of a translation unit is most often mentioned in the contexts of the One Definition Rule, and templates. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Sep 27, 2016 at 5:23 answered Jul 9...
INF AddComServer directive: AnAddComServerdirective is used within aDDInstall.COMsection and registers a COM server. INF DDInstall.COM section: TheDDInstall.COMsection contains one or more INFAddComServerdirectives that reference other INF-writer-defined sections in an INF file. ...
User wrote " What is a bridge OS " It is associated with the Secure Enclave Chip on the device(s) And No, I can not see the YouTube vid because I do not have an Account with Youtube (2) Reply User profile for user: IdrisSeabright IdrisSeabright User level: Level 10 154,153...
Therefore, MU-MIMO technology is introduced to enable an AP to transmit data with multiple terminals at the same time, which greatly improves the throughput. Figure 1-8 Throughput difference between SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO DL MU-MIMO technology MU-MIMO has been introduced since 802.11ac, but only...
The first step in most social engineering attacks is for the attacker to perform research and reconnaissance on the target. If the target is an enterprise, for instance, the hacker may gather intelligence on the organizational structure, internal operations, common lingo used within the industry and...
“But the problem was that, unrefrigerated, the goods would skunk on the way. So, the solution was to add extra yeast and hops to keep the beer cultures alive for the long journey. Therefore, what the rank and file in India drank was a stronger, hoppier cousin of the ale they imbibe...