“Coach let ussulkfor a minute or two until finally clearing his throat, drawing our attention back to him.” Verb ▲ Opposite of to go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner slink Verb ▲ Opposite of to walk or move in an ostentatious manner ...
那只不过是以令人作呕的溜须拍马为能事的新闻报道。 Nauseatingly fawning journalism that's all it is. synonym ē yú fèng chéng阿谀奉承pāi mǎ liū xū拍马溜须 antonym gāng zhí bù ē刚直不阿
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 平常 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 平常 is ordinary; common .