From the work discussed, it is clear that partner models play an important role in speech agent interaction. Yet current conceptu- alisations lack detail and dimensionality, which limits its utility as a concept. A more detailed explanation of partner models is crucial to future speech agent rese...
The statement is somewhat far-fetched. tā de zhèng jù hěn miǎn qiǎng 她的证据很勉强。 Her evidence is rather unconvincing. synonym qiān qiǎng牵强 antonym chōng fèn充分 4 adj.incapable but determined; do with difficulty; manage with an effort ...
Progressis a antonym ofregress. Progressis a related term ofregress. In intransitive terms the difference between regress and progress is thatregressis to move backwards to an earlier stage; to devolve whileprogressis to improve; to become better or more complete. ...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 异常 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 异常 is unusual; abnormal; aberrant; anomalous .
巧 Initial:qVideo guide Final(T3):iǎoVideo guide Radical: 工 Structure:Left to right Strokes: 5 Traditional: 巧 Level: HSK4NHSK 3ZW8Yu Wen 2More ReadWriteQuiz Chinese dictionary Show pinyin
antonym mò没 3 v.become conspicuous chū míng 出名 become famous chū tóu 出头 appear in public chū chǒu 出丑 make a fool of somebody or oneself 4 v.take out; offer; pay out; expend; spend yǒu qián chū qián yǒu lì chū lì ...
v.exceed; go beyond; surpass shù zhǎng de guò le fáng 树长得过了房。 The tree has grown taller than the house. rì chǎn guò wàn dūn 日产过万吨。 The output per day is over 10,000 tons. xiǎo xīn bié zuò guò le zhàn ...
上海是个包罗万象的大都市。 Shanghai is an all-embracing metropolis. bāo luó wàn xiàng de bǎi kē quán shū 包罗万象的百科全书 all-inclusive encyclopaedia nǐ bù kě néng tí chū yī gè bāo luó wàn xiàng de jiàn yì 你不可能提出一个包罗万象的建议。
antonym yī kào依靠yī lài依赖 3 v.stand alone dú lì mǎ tou 独立码头 stand alone at the wharf dú lì shān diān 独立山巅 stand alone at the mountaintop 4 v.become independent of or separate from an organization synonym dú lì独立zì lì自力...
antonym wú guān无关 4 n.illicit personal relation tā shì guān xi hù 他是关系户。 He is an associate. qǐng nǐ bù yào lā guān xi 请你不要拉关系。 Please dp not try to form ties. zhǎo guān xi kě zhēn shi tài nán le ...