What is an antiphon in the Catholic Mass? Catholic Mass: Catholic mass refers to a religious rite in Catholicism. The catholic mass consists of two sections: the eucharist's liturgy and the word's liturgy. The former mainly involves the consecration of wine and bread, while the latter involve...
What is The Shema? What is the Roman Catholic Church? What is the Protestant Bible? What is hermeneutics? What is an antiphon in the Catholic Mass? What is scripture? What is the Bible? What is Hispanic theology? What is the Tanakh?
In churchy news… I read that Francis now has had published an “autobiography”. Well! That was interesting, wasn’t it? Imagine! “A fascination for what is not understood”? When the powers that be go after celebrations of Mass in the traditional form, it’s because they can’t stan...
Lectionary, in Christianity,a book containing portions of the Bible appointed to be read on particular days of the year. The word is also used for the list of such Scripture lessons. How many readings are in a Catholic Mass? Liturgy of the Word, the first of the two principal rites of ...
If can get them to sing the responses to the priest, that, to me, is most important. Give me a parish in which this occurs, and it won't really matter what hymnal you use---the offertory or whatever passes for it in your parish will simply become an opportunity to read the bulletin...
“the traditional,” doubly so if the mode of music is chant or if the lyrics are in Latin. A Mass might have a fine organist and schola. These could begin the Mass with the proper antiphon chanted in Latin. But the Latin and the chant must be “balanced” (that is, “paid for”...
Satan has been often described as being the counterpart or opposite of the great St. Michael. He is not the opposite of God because He cannot have an opposite and St. Michael is charged with fighting him, but we also know that the angels fell from all the levels of Angels. Our battle...
What is a Pagan ham? What is a homily? Was Jethro a Pagan priest? Who were the Pagans in the Bible? Who is the founder of Paganism? What is liturgical theology? What is an antiphon in the Catholic Mass? Is the Catholic Church Pagan?
What is an antiphon in the Catholic Mass? What religion uses the Avesta? What does the Greek Orthodox Church believe? What is seven mountains theology? What is the main religion in Puerto Rico? What is religious studies? Which people worshipped Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca?
What is an antiphon in the Catholic Mass? What is Protestant theology? What is liturgical theology? What is a homily? What does the Catholic Church consider heresy? What is a social sin in Catholicism? What is Confirmation in the Catholic Church?