Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) refers to ANSI 835 as a transaction set. EDI is the protocol used to transmit data from one computer network to another. 835 replaces existing formats (both electronic and paper) for sending “Explanation of Benefits” (EOB) forms. EOB's are filled with inf...
EDI stands for electronic data interchange, the automated process of exchanging business documents, such as purchase orders (PO) and invoices, between a company and its trading partners. EDI standards, likeANSI X12 and EDIFACT, ensure that these documents follow a consistent structure, streamlining c...
submissiontoaspecificclearinghouse.Anincreasingnumberof payersrequiresubmissiontospecificclearinghouses,andsome payershavelaunchedtheirownclearinghousesthatphysiciansmust usetosubmitclaims.Inthesecircumstances, the clearinghouse is essentially working on behalf of the payer, not the physician. ...
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Rapidly evolving technology is resulting in an evolution of building systems, moving to integration of air quality control, power management, surveillance and access, communications and data management, etc. in “smart” buildings. Although wireless “Internet of Things” may be popularized as central...