For instance, the nearer an object is to the lens, the larger it appears. An illustration of this is how a straight road appears to taper off into the distance even though its width does not actually change. A more elaborate demonstration of this concept appears in Albrecht Dürer's 1525 ...
You can also check the battery charge and see when the robot is charging. When creating a mission, collapse the right-side panel to get an extended view of the map, video stream, and logs. Deploy InRobot with the Cognite Toolkit Use the Cognite Toolkit to set up pre-built configurations...
An alert email comes from PayPal or your bank. Open a new browser window and go to your account to see if anything is happening with your account. An offer appears to be from Amazon, but upon closer inspection it's actually from You should report and delete the email. ...
What is your average annual mileage? According to the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, people in America drive13,476 miles per yearon average. If you fall into this group or have a higher annual mileage, your new car warranty for the MINI will expire before...
DOT officials can pull over your commercial vehicle drivers for a sudden roadside inspection. The inspector reviews data provided by ELD devices spanning the past seven days to verify compliance without any violations. For smooth data transfer between your device and the inspector, you can use these...
There are also required periodical inspections that must be performed by a qualified inspector, usually on an annual basis. DOT inspectors or those from state agencies, as well as qualified law enforcement officers, can also stop drivers and perform roadside inspections, placing them out of service...
What is an ELD? An ELD is a piece of hardware installed in a truck to track vehicle activity. These devices make sure that your drivers are complying with hours of service (HoS) regulations for driving limits in a 24-hour period and the appropriate number of breaks. Major telematics ...
There is a chance for more available freight at relatively higher spot rates, plus running during the inspection period shows customers that you are a trustworthy carrier. Treat Every Week Like DOT Week The best way to prepare for inspections is to always be ready for them. ...
Product Description BVE-FXOCT4500 high-precision CT inspection system is a x ray CT scanning system for industrial applications with precision inspection design. This system uses a x-ray source, having strong penetration ability and is mainly used in electronics parts inspection, failure analysis...
organized during the biannual review process. When the SOP is revised, the revision number is updated. Revisions, explanations, and addenda are prepared by appropriate personnel, but must be approved by management. An SOP can be eliminated when it is no longer applicable. Management must approve...