An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a chip, microchip or microelectronic circuit, is asemiconductorwafer on which thousands or millions of tinyresistors,capacitors,diodesandtransistorsare fabricated. An IC can function as anamplifier,oscillator, timer,counter,logic gate, computermemory,microcontro...
What is a semiconductor optical amplifier? A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is an element found in semiconductors thatamplifieslight. Users can find SOAs in optical transceiver modules used to enable communication between data centers. In this scenario, the SOA amplifies the optical signal used...
The common application is radio. Audio amplifiers: Audio amplifier ICs are used in radiofrequency applications where the received analog signal is very weak. They accept the low input frequency and raise it to a higher level that is required by the circuit. These chips are commonly used in ...
5.What is the function of integrated circuit? An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, microprocessor, or even computer memory. An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can hold anywhere from hundreds to ...
What is a monolithic device? A device that is fabricated in a single piece; A device (i.e. circuit) that is operated at a single frequency or a single class of frequencies. What do integrated circuits do? An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier,...
An amplifier is a device which can simply produce an output voltage or current, which is the product of input voltage or current with a value called gain. Hence a voltage amplifier is an amplifier which can produce a voltage gain at the output. The gain is the ratio of output voltage for...
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That said, the drive capability of many IC based op-amps is naturally limited. Common mode rejection: Another important feature of the op-amp is its common mode rejection. This refers to the situation where the same signal is applied to both inputs. For an ideal differential amplifier no ...
That said, the drive capability of many IC based op-amps is naturally limited. Common mode rejection: Another important feature of the op-amp is its common mode rejection. This refers to the situation where the same signal is applied to both inputs. For an ideal differential amplifier no ...
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