What covers the body of amphibians?Cutaneous Respiration:Amphibians and some other animals have cutaneous respiration, which means that they can actually breathe through their skin. Capillaries that lie just beneath the amphibian's skin are able to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide through ...
The amphibians, being cold blooded and ectothermic, their body temperature is not sustained by the process of inner physiology. On account of their low rate of metabolism, these amphibians require only a minimum energy and food. The fully developed ones possess eyelids that are movable and also...
What did the first amphibians look like?Amphibians:The first amphibians left the water to live on land approximately 395 million years ago. Scientists believe the evolved from lobe-finned fish that developed lungs and used thick fins to crawl across land between bodies of water....
What is a honeybee? 一、科普常识 名字由来(take nectar, convert to honey) 1.无脊椎(invertebrate) 5.感觉毛 2.头、胸、腹三部分 (sensory hairs) 共有特征 3.外骨骼(exoskeleton) 6.毒针(stinger) 4.6腿2翅2触角2复眼 后(rear)腹 特征 smell touch 防御(defense) honeybees 1.长舌——吮吸(sip)...
Mammals generally possess hair or fur, an aspect critical for insulation, and maintaining their internal body temperatures. Conversely, amphibians typically exhibit smooth, permeable skin, which plays a pivotal role in their respiration, often assisting them to breathe through their skin. 6 The reprodu...
olms, andcaecilians. However, while most salamanders and other amphibians trade their gills for lungs upon reaching adulthood, axolotls never lose the feather boa-like gills around their necks. This unique state in which juvenile traits are retained throughout an animal’s life is known as ...
Frogs: These amphibians can grab a mantis from the ground or low branches with their sticky tongues. Spiders: Some spiders, especially larger ones, can catch and eat mantises. Bats: Aerial predators like bats can snatch mantises out of the air during their night flights. Here’s a summary...
Coyotes are a canid species closely related towolves. They are much smaller than their massive wolf relatives, however. The average male coyote has a body length between 3.3 and 4.5 feet long and they typically weigh 18 to 44 pounds. The wide variation in weight is correlated to geography ...
While seaweed does look like a plant, seaweed is not a plant. It's also a type of protist. Seaweeds are large floatingalgaethat grow in water closer to coastal waters. The long, ribbonlike leaves of seaweeds provide shelter to breeding fish and aquatic animals such as amphibians, sea horse...
What amphibians go through metamorphosis?Stages of Amphibian MetamorphosisThe stages of amphibian metamorphosis include egg, larva and adult. Females lay eggs in water then when they fertilized and hatched, they became larva. Once they transform into adults, they develop lungs for breathing and limbs...