This ability, called parthenogenesis, appears to be an ancient trait shared between crocodilians, birds, and dinosaurs. Which means part of Jurassic Park may actually have been able to happen.
However, when information at the individual-level is needed, researchers may need to resort to observation from a distance to collect fresh faeces as soon as an individual defecates (Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera [69]; Barbary macaques Macaca sylvanus [93]; red deer Cervus elaphus ...
2016, 4, 36 11 of 22 A recent study in amphibian embryos demonstrated that irx3 is expressed in an area that includes the presumptive ZLI whereas its close relatives irx1 and irx2 are expressed only in the presumptive thalamus posterior to it. The combination of irx3, barhl2 and otx2 (...