Smart grids must be capable of absorbing the additional demand electric vehicles create for electricity supplies without becoming an element of insecurity in grid stability. 4. Microgrid Development: The microgrid is a small-scale, locally confined grid operating in autonomous mode, as well as ...
Replacing the traditional meter is the new "Smart Meter" that has a 15 to 20 year life span and, contrary to analog meters, require electricity to function. SCE employees will no longer come to your home to read the meter as all electric usage will be collected and transmitted wirelessly b...
Since Enel's pioneering Telegestore deployment began in 2001, smart electric meters have spread to virtually every corner of the world. Annual smart meter shipments have grown at a CAGR of more than 15% since 2001 and, in many parts of the world, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is ...
The transition to smart meters and AMI is a crucial step in modernizing power grids and enabling greater efficiency and reliability through information availability. Summary Watt-hour meters measure the total electrical energy used by a load, residence, or facility. This enables utility billing based...
While all of these reviews offer numerous important insights, no comprehensive and timely review applying bibliometrics can be found in the literature, which presents an important research gap. Since the academic literature in this field has grown significantly, there is a need to apply quantitative ...
Advanced metering infrastructure Smart meter, in-home displays, servers, relays Meter data management system (MDMS) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure Charging infrastructure, batteries, inverters Energy billing, smart grid-to-vehicle charging (G2V) and discharging vehicle-to-grid (V2G) methodologies...
The NHEC Smart Meter AMI project is expected to result in more accurate and timely meter readings, providing members better information about their energy usage while facilitating operational efficiencies for NHEC. CalAmp to provide New Hampshire Electric Cooperative with wireless communications network Cal...
Next-Generation AMI with Distributed Intelligence Learn how ComEd is realizing impressive results through the exploration of DI use cases. Tampa Electric Company: The Art of the Possible Learn how Tampa Electric Company is transforming the customer experience and its operational programs through an IIo...
Smart grids must be capable of absorbing the additional demand electric vehicles create for electricity supplies without becoming an element of insecurity in grid stability. 4. Microgrid Development: The microgrid is a small-scale, locally confined grid operating in autonomous mode, as well as ...