What is amaranth? Also known as Chinese spinach, amaranth is a plant with leaves that resemble and taste like spinach. Some types of amaranth plants produce seeds that are considered a kind of grain. With over 50 amaranth species known and growing all over the world, amaranth is a versatile...
Of the 450 known species of insectivorous plants, more than 70 species belong to theNepenthesgenus. Some botanists contribute about 90 species to this genus. They are evergreen perennials from parts of Madagascar, southeastern Asia, Queensland, and other areas in these regions. Generally, they ...
Callaloo, or calaloo, is the name for both a spicy Caribbean soup or stew and the edible leaves of several tropical plants that are used to make the stew. The plants used for this dish are large leafy plants with starchy edible roots, called taro, dasheen, tannia, amaranth, or yautia....
Cheesecake has to be one of the easiest recipes to convert to gluten-free. A crust made of finely ground almonds or almond flour is tasty and a cinch to make in a food processor. You just combine the finely ground almonds, melted butter and a little sugar in the food processor, pulse ...
Vegetables: amaranth greens, cucumber, bell peppers, chayote, dandelion greens, lettuce, sea vegetables, tomatoes, zucchini Besides opting for foods in the categories above, it’s generally recommended that alkaline vegans eat most produce raw, as the cooking process is thought to deplete alkalizing...
Just to mention some of the most nutritional ones, beginning with grains: Amaranth,Quinoa,FonioandTeffare all very rich in iron. They are available both in a grain and flour form that can be used to make homemade bread and cakes, instead of the common flour which is too rich in starch...
Amaranth Flour:Use amaranth flour for pasta, baking, and as a thickener. Like rice flour, amaranth flour is gluten-free. Quinoa Flour:Use quinoa flour for gluten-free pasta and baked food items, like cookies. Baked goods made with quinoa flour tend to be crumbly, so add other starches to...
Amaranth is a type of pseudocereal that has been cultivated for thousands of years, and has recently been hailed as a “superfood” with a variety of nutritional benefits. Amaranth was a staple food of the Aztec civilization, before being banned by Spanish settlers during colonization. Amaranth...
they can be strained by such an intensive healing protocol. Some might find there is a lot of struggle around letting go of certain foods, while others might realize they’ve fallen into a need for flawlessness around food. (If you think your patterns are leaning toward disordered eating, ...
(bread, crackers, pasta) are free of gluten, but also are free of important nutrients that wheat provides. Though there are many nutrient-dense gluten-free grains/starches including quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, among others, many are lured to tasty gluten-free alternatives containing processed ...