答案: (1)ADR的概念 ADR是指选择性争议解决方法,即通过诉讼和仲裁之外的方法解决国际商事争议的各种程序的总称。在实践上,对于何谓ADR,在西方的法律论著中存在两种不同的看法:①ADR泛指诉讼以外的争议解决方法,包括仲裁、调解等方式。②ADR泛指仲裁和诉讼之外的争议解决方法。其中,第二种观点比较符合现代解决国际商事...
These days, anAlternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) is an increasingly popular, cost-effective and efficient way of resolving disputes. But what is Alternative Dispute Resolution? and how does it work? ADR is a process that enables parties to come to an agreement without the need to use the trad...
What is ADR? Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)is a spectrum of less costly and more expeditious alternatives to litigation, where a neutral party assists the disputing parties in reaching resolution. ADR allows for more creative and collaborative solutions than that of traditional litigation....
Morris, Catherine (2002) What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?: Definitions in the Field of Conflict Transformation. Retrieved January of 2009 from: http://www.peacemakers.ca/publications/ADRdefinitions.htmlMorris, C. (2002). What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? Retrieved from: http:/...
Conciliation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process whereby the parties to a dispute use a conciliator, who meets with the parties both separately and together in an attempt to resolve their differences. They do this by lowering tensions, improving communications, interpreting issues, enco...
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a process for settling issues, mostly civil but occasionally criminal, outside of a traditional courtroom. ADR is a collaborative decision-making process used in all 50 states that was started 25 years ago with an act of Congress that directed federal ...
If you’re unable to negotiate a solution with the counterparty without supervision, the next step is to try professional mediation, oralternative dispute resolution(ADR). Put simply, this process involves working alongside a skilled, neutral mediator to have more helpful and productive negotiations ...
ADR is short for “alternative dispute resolution,” which is a term used to describe various methods of resolving disputes without the use of litigation. ADR takes many forms, and these can each have different implications for you, your company, and your relationships with other parties. ...
(ADR) includes dispute resolution processes and techniques that act as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement short of litigation. ADR basically is an alternative to a formal court hearing or litigation. It is a collective term for the ways that parties can settle dispute ...
Smart contract dispute resolution is the term used to describe alternative dispute resolution (ADR) measures for transactions that use smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing programs contained in ablockchain. The program ensures the actions agreed on in the contract happen, which removes ...