The toxicity of a substance is more closely related to the amount consumed than its chemical composition. (一种物质的毒性与摄入的量密切相关,而不是其化学成分) 8.poisoned chalice Something that initially appears to be good, wholesome, or positive, but is really harmful. Primarily heard in UK. ...
The exact amount of alcohol intake that can lead to alcoholic neuropathy is not clear and can vary from person to person. However, this type of neuropathy is linked to too much drinking for longer durations throughout a lifetime. Onestudysuggested that taking more than 100 grams of alcohol d...
When a person drinks an alcoholic beverage, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed in the stomach and about 80 percent is absorbed in the small intestine. How fast the alcohol is absorbed depends upon several things: The biological sex of the drinker. Alcohol is metabolized differently in...
10. poison pen(形容词) Spiteful, malicious, or defamatory in composition, as of a letter or other written work, generally sent anonymously and with the aim of damaging or destroying a person's, group's, or organization's reputation or happiness. Al...
I can say now, without any hesitation, that I am an alcoholic. But I could not always admit this. There were years and years when I was spending all my time, money and good will on drinking. I would get blackout drunk every night of the week and eventually it cost me everything. ...
We hope this activity can stimulate students’ awareness of water resource cirsis 2. We hope this activity can make students be aware of the water resource crisis ③ alcohol alcoholic : (adj.) connected with or containing alcohol 含酒精的 (alcoholic drinks 含酒精的饮料) (n.) a person who ...
What is alcoholic neuropathy? Effects of Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol abuse can have a profoundly detrimental effect on the body. Aside from developing dependency and affecting the liver, alcohol affects the heart muscles, nerve tissue, and even causes changes in the brain that can be dangerous if a ...
What is alcoholic neuropathy? How does alcohol affect the occipital lobe? Is primary progressive aphasia dementia? A person who drinks alcohol show the following symptoms as the blood level increases: impaired judgement, slurred speech, unable to walk a straight line, and difficulty breathing. What...
The definition of an alcoholic in theMerriam Webster dictionaryis “a person afflicted with alcoholism”. Alcoholism is defined as “a chronic, progressive, potentially fatal disorder marked by the excessive and usually compulsive drinking of alcohol leading to psychological or physical dependence or ...
What is an Adjective? As a child, you might have learned that it is a describing word. This adjective definition is correct and, as mentioned above, it can be used to describe, modify or qualify a noun, essentially giving more information about the object, person, place, thing or idea ...